This example illustrates how
PivotData Toolkit
components may be integrated to get web pivot table builder functionality. This reports builder can be integrated into any ASP.NET project (MVC Core, Blazor, or even legacy ASP.NET)
and even into any web application (with
PivotData microservice):
- pivot table data calculations, HTML rendering and exports are performed on the server-side
input data is aggregated on-the-fly (real-time OLAP). Aggregation results may be cached in-memory.
- fast in-memory processing of large datasets (>1,000,00 rows, > 1 Gb CSV data)
- supports database-level aggregation (ROLAP, any dataset size): SQL databases with GROUP BY support (like SQL Server, MySql, PostgreSql), MongoDb, ElasticSearch etc
- labels grouping, expand/collapse for rows/columns
- grand total, totals column and row, subtotals for grouped labels
- sort by table values, totals and labels (click on rows/columns/totals label)
- multiple values (measures), percentage/difference/running total calculation, TOP N limits (show only first N rows/columns), heatmap, custom formatting/styling rules
- server-side pagination for large pivot tables
- front-end jQuery plugin for interactive data exploration: fixed headers, sorting, filtering, drill-down.
- export formats: HTML table, Excel, PDF, CSV, JSON
- OLAP server is NOT needed: all you need is PivotData .NET managed libs or PivotData Microservice (.NET Core app).